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Platform screenshot showing choropleth map and zoomed in Footscray, VIC details

Our tools

Visitation Analytics

Utilise monthly movement results to understand the visitation patterns in and around your location. Compare locations, and track change over time.

Top Local Attractions

Find the local attractions and businesses that bring people to the neighbourhood. Spot strengths and gaps, and understand how the offer differs in evenings or weekends.

Exposure Hotspots

Access instant dwell mapping for any Australian suburb, to see where people spend time across a neighbourhood, and how this changes across the day and week.

Powered by unique community data sets

Our proprietary data sets were built by placemakers for placemakers, to help you measure what matters across any Australian neighbourhood.

Learn more about our data

unique devices monthly
data points
per location

How do place managers use Neighbourlytics?

Detailed map of amenities in a suburb

Stakeholder mapping

Who are the most important local organiations?

Great community management requires a strong relationship with local stakeholders. Key local organisations are identified and mapped.

Answer questions like:

  • Who are the most influential community stakeholders?
  • Which stakeholders will be impacted by my project?
  • How can I contact these stakeholders?
  • Do key assets change on the weekends or in the evenings?

Visitation tracking

Where do visitors come from?

Utilise monthly movement results to understand the visitation patterns to your neighbourhood or asset. Compare locations, or track changes over time.

Answer questions like:

  • Where did visitors come from last month?
  • How far do visitors travel?
  • Where else do residents spend time?
  • How are visitation trends changing over time?

Choropleth map showing amount of visitation for each of the inner Melbourne suburbs to the Melbourne CBD
Map showing dwell hotspots

Local dwell

Where do people spend time?

Access instant dwell mapping for any Australian suburb, to see where people spend time across a neighbourhood, and how this changes across the day and week.

Answer questions like:

  • Where do people spend the most time?
  • How does activity change day / night or weekday/ weekend?
  • How do the activity hotspots compare between suburbs?

Demographic & Housing Insights

Who lives here? What are the housing trends?

Deep dive into the demographic and household profile of the area to understand the makeup of the area. Use this to accelerate your feasibility process and and uncover new development opportunities.

Answer questions like:

  • What are the trends in rental and mortgage prices?
  • Whats the proportion of home ownership vs rental?
  • What is the household size?
  • Where are the suburbs where people live alone?
Choropleth map showing ratio of apartments vs houses for each of the greater Melbourne suburbs
Platform screenshot containing vertical bar chart showing chatter values by primary and secondary category

Quantify lifestyle values

What is important to locals' lives?

See beyond demographics by tapping into local chatter to reveal what locals love to do, how they spend their time, and how they socialise.

Answer questions like:

  • What do locals value?
  • How do people love to socialise?
  • What are popular local activities?

Activity Trends

How is urban life changing over time?

Map the trends place activation over time to understand why people visit and quantify the positive impact of your placemaking project or development over time.

Answer questions like:

  • Is the neighbourhood improving over time?
  • What is the busiest time of year?
  • What activity type is driving the neighbourhood’s change?

Learn More About The Tools

TOOL: Amenities and Stakeholder Mapping

Successful neighbourhoods provide a diversity of amenities to support the local needs.

Having a wide offering of local amenities provides increased opportunities to attract local people to visit and stay in the neighbourhood.

Gaps in the amenity mix may indicate areas of improvement or further investment, while strengths may show the main reasons people visit the neighbourhood.

Choropleth map showing amount of visitation for each of the inner Melbourne suburbs to the Melbourne CBD

What questions can I answer?

What is the amenity mix?

Where are the amenity gaps?

What is the day time vs night time economy?

What amenities are trading on week day vs weekends?

What are the most important places and stakeholders?

Who are the true local stakeholders?

What are the most valued community groups for our community strategy?

Who influences the local community?

How can I contact them?

What might be some of the social issues in this neighbourhood?

Where does the data come from?

Our system generates fine grain points of interest maps by aggregating crowdsourced data . Each place is classified using our proprietary lifestyle taxonomy to understand its role within local life.

TOOL: Activity Hotspots

Mobile phone movement data is harnessed monthly to plot where people spend time across a neighbourhood. Able to be filtered by time of day or week, this tool provides a sophisticated understanding of local dwell patterns across the country.

Heatmap of where people spend most time in neighbourhood

What questions can I answer?

What is the amenity mix?

Where are the amenity gaps?

What is the day time vs night time economy?

What amenities are trading on week day vs weekends?

What are the most important places and stakeholders?

Who are the true local stakeholders?

What are the most valued community groups for our community strategy?

Who influences the local community?

How can I contact them?

What might be some of the social issues in this neighbourhood?

Where does the data come from?

Mobile phone presence data is a vast resource for tracking the way people move through and around a neighbourhood. Careful cleaning and examining makes it possible to reveal the nuances of dwell behaviours across a neighbourhood.

TOOL: Visitation Mapping

Digital presence data is used to determine the ‘home’ location of visitors to the subject neighbourhood and map the surrounding suburbs that local residents visit when the leave the subject neighbourhood. This analysis is undertaken at a catchment of 25km.

Understanding where visitors to a neighbourhood come from can highlight the attractors to a neighbourhood. Understanding where residents go can highlight amenity gaps allowing you to uncover opportunities to strengthen the catchment area or development.

visitation mapping

What questions can I answer?

Where do visitors to the neighbourhood come from?

Where do residents from the neighbourhood visit?

25 km choropleth visitation map
Type image caption here (optional)
Detailed suburb visitation choropleth maps

Where does the data come from?

Mobile phone presence data is a vast resource for tracking the way people move through and around a neighbourhood. Careful cleaning and examining makes it possible to reveal the nuances of visitation behaviours across a neighbourhood.

TOOL: Accessibility

By examining the geography that can be reached within a short walk or short drive of the neighbourhood’s centre, you can understand who the people are who are likely to utilise your neighbourhood.

Understanding the age breakdown of your neighbourhood is critical to inform amenity planning. Neighbourhoods that have a higher proportion of pre-school aged children will utilise open spaces differently to those with a higher proportion of high-school aged children. Or neighbourhoods with a lower proportion of working aged residents compared to those of retirement age may rely differently on local community services.

What questions can I answer?

Who are the people that are likely to utilise the neighbourhood?

What is the age breakdown?

Who can access my neighbourhood within a short walk or short drive?

What can residents easily access on foot?

10 min walking and 10 min driving isochrone on a map
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Where does the data come from?

Mobile phone presence data is a vast resource for tracking the way people move through and around a neighbourhood. Careful cleaning and examining makes it possible to reveal the nuances of visitation behaviours across a neighbourhood.

TOOL: Lifestyle Values

By examining local chatter at a neighbourhood level it is possible to gain insight into how people love to socialise, where they love to spend time, and what activities they love to spend time doing.

The way local people talk about their lives, and what they choose to post online about their experiences is a key indicator of local values.

What questions can I answer?

How do people love to spend their time?

What activities do people value?

How do people socially connect?

What local places do people love?

Top 3 chatter topics
Top 3 chatter topics for each major category
Type image caption here (optional)

Where does the data come from?

Social media is full of chatter about the things people want their friends to know they did. This ‘bias’ reveals the shared lifestyle values across a neighbourhood in the previous 30 days.

TOOL: Activity Trends

Successful neighbourhoods provide a diversity of amenities to support the local needs.

Having a wide offering of local amenities provides increased opportunities to attract local people to visit and stay in the neighbourhood.

Gaps in the amenity mix may indicate areas of improvement or further investment, while strengths may show the main reasons people visit the neighbourhood.

What questions can I answer?

What is the amenity mix?

Where are the amenity gaps?

What is the day time vs night time economy?

What amenities are trading on week day vs weekends?

What are the most important places and stakeholders?

Who are the true local stakeholders?

What are the most valued community groups for our community strategy?

Who influences the local community?

How can I contact them?

What might be some of the social issues in this neighbourhood?

Where does the data come from?

Tapping into unconventional digital sources such as ratings, reviews and social media posts, our lifestyle data can be tracked across time by plotting to velocity of digital interactions month by month.

About our data

We have pioneered a unique data ingestion and computation method to uncover the unique identity of local neighbourhoods, in real time.


Point of interest and amenities data is gathered as geo-located places from mapping platforms

The information gathered from these sources is crowd-sourced and includes details like the place name, location, description, opening hours, and type of place. It also includes ratings and reviews, check-ins and likes.

From this we can understand the amenity mix of a location as well as how important individual places are in the neighbourhood.


Behavioural data is generated from aggregated, anonymised, mobile phone location data.

Location is one of the most accurate predictors of behaviour and a valuable insight into local life. By utilising mobile phone location data generated by app 'pings', our data system recognises nearly 10,000,000 mobile devices every month.

The results are carefully cleaned, checked and thresholded to ensure representative results across Australia.


Values data is gathered from the publicly posted 'chatter' across local neighbourhoods.

The local experiences that people choose to post about online, provides an clear insight into what locals value about their lives.

Publicly posted content is gathered from various sources to mitigate bias, and classified into 80+ lifestyle categories to reveal how people love to spend time, how they socialise, and the places the love to spend time.

One Convenient Platform

Unique people data

Proprietary people and behavioural data to give you actionable customer and location insights you can't get anywhere else.

Benchmarks and Indicators

Benchmark and compare suburbs, identify new competitive advantages and pin point development opportunities.

Discover national suburb data

Explore and compare the way people visit, gather and move around for any suburb.

Deep-dive into hyper-local insights

Uncover lifestyle trends, customer insights and amenity needs with a 20 minute walk of any site.

Need lifestyle data now?